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  • 3588039398F c8c2fe73 (CAREFUL, ability 1) 30/26/31/9/29/31 (Seed: 94030263 Frame: 569) HP DRAGON 39 !!!
    This aint bad, low frame ok IV's :/

    But its up to you so that or this
    Seed: 4140277
    Frame: 987 (LOW AND UNEVEN!)
    ACK!!! I cant decide between Timid/Quiet/Carefull!?!?!?!!?
    All4game what do you think? XD
    Or do you wanna try a Quiet Dialga...? Seems intresting... Im looking to see if you have a Quiet Spread now :)
    I searched for this
    28+/X/25+/30+/25+/30 And nothing came up so Modest is out lol
    Out of the Timid ones this os the best
    3992882600F fe0ac8ba (TIMID, ability 0) 29/8/28/31/29/31 (Seed: d0050295 Frame: 2985) HP ICE 45 !!!
    Because its the only one with a 31 Speed IV and that is very important
    So you can pick what you want to do
    That Timid Shiny Spread or the Flawless Timid one with a Frame of 75 O_o
    Alright lol ill look for the Modest Spreads ;)
    I dont have call of duty dont really like it anyways..... :/
    PRESS F5!!!! lol
    Anyways give me your SID/ID and ill look for your Modest Spreads and you can look for the Timid ones ;)
    No there Monster Frame is Frame 1, so you subtract 1 From your Frame, and Fossils are Method 1 ok?
    No you still need to do Journal Flips :)
    Just put your Fossil into the Museum leave, save, hit your Delay, advance your Frame and then collect the Fossil and Bam! You have your desired IV's XD
    All Abuse is really the same lol For every Abuse you have to hit your Delay, and then its just a matter of the Frame lol
    For Fossils there Frame is 1 So subtract 1 from your Frame and advance accordingly, Now I advise you Abuse them in DP because in DP there is no NPC in the Museum but in Plat there is :( Thats why I havent done any yet lol
    Oh Im eating now and playing UU Battles onShoddy lol I hate Breeding cant ever hit my Delay lol Other then that its good....
    And np Its really easy if you know what everything is lol I will when we both have time ;) Instead of me doing the Charizard you could! XD
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