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  • I won't be here saturday so I need to play a match before. When can you play ? I can play almost everytime, I could even wake up in the middle of the night if you need it.
    you dont need to send me your friends cause you're afraid of me :p
    Mortackkdelascuevas : this guy pmed me and insulted me (mother fucker etc etc, you how stupid the spanish can be i guess ?) cause i "trolled" you. This is a bit ridiculous =/
    Nah,i'm watching a soccer match right now and i'm gonna sleep after that.Maybe tomorrow.Say.....did you know that Falcao is one of our summer targets? :)
    I seem to be in school during those times. I get back from school 10:30 PM your time I believe. (Or whatever time it says when I VM you this). If you could try to be on this time tuesday/wednesday that'd be nice. If not I'll ask for an extension and we'll get this done.
    Hey, we still have to play GSC and RBY for the All Generation Tournament. Tell me when you may be able to play.
    I can play Bw/dpp/adv. Since I still don't have my GSC and RBY teams. Where do you want to play?
    Alright, sounds good. I'll have all my teams ready by tomorrow. I'll try to catch you on.
    Hey, when would you like to play for the all generation tiers tournament? I'm GMT -8 and can usually be found on IRC and PO as Tanner.
    Hey, when can you play for spl? I'm gmt-6, i'd prefer to get this done early but if you can't play until later that's cool too.
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