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  • Alright so how about we set a general time so we can get out match done? I will be very free on friday and saturday and will be able to make more or less any time that works for you. I will not be able to battle at anytime tomorrow. I am on GMT -5 time for reference.
    Hey man, when can you play for Steven Snype's Uber tournament? I'm available a lot, so let me know when you'd like to play.
    so, the weekend! I'll be away the whole afternoon today, so can we play tomorrow evening? if yes, I'll contact whenever I can.
    Eres mi rival en The Most Uber Tournament Ever. Todavía no tengo hecho el equipo, pero tengo poco tiempo ya que ya estoy de exámenes y trabajos; así que por el momento mañana me haré el equipo y a ver si podemos, si no, puedo estar el sábado pero no se a qué hora :P
    Hi, just a friendly reminder that you have to submit your teams for the tournament of thieves. It has been a week and I do not want the tournament to die.
    Tell to Punisher / Robert to get their match done for the spirit league ...
    i was on vacation and couldnt contact you until yesterday so i was hoping you would help me out and get a plan together. anyway, let me put together a team real quick and well play now?
    hi thank you for contacting me about the ubers tournament. i appreciate it. anyway, when are we playing?
    why not, french time is ok cuz Moo and Mynism would like to watch the battle, i'm on both server as Ro² and McMeghan btw
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