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  • Can you ask for another cloner on simple requests? Sorry, I'm just really eager to get my dragonite. By the way, I think it's awesome that you Non-RNG your pokemon, I do that too. It seems like Non-RNG is becoming more popular.
    Sorry I'm responding late. Just finished flawless DW Swablu. I need to clone the Krookodile 1st.
    Are you just going to go on simple requests or what? Sorry about that. Also, I just noticed those 122 on scrafty should probably be 128.
    I can do the first spread for scrafty. When I use those guys I want a different EV spread so can you get them cloned before I train? If not, I'll just do them now for you.
    Also I need to know the spreads you want, summer just started so I'll be on alot just message me and I'll take the pokemon and train them. And just in case you were wondering I don't use AR or anything to EV train.
    I'll do the scrafty and the adamant dratini. I'm so happy because I just decided I want a dragonite on my team! Also I can't clone either, is it ok if I ask someone on simple requests to clone?

    Ubisoft tipped us off to a new Flash game they've made to promote Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Now, it may just be that I've been playing a lot of Tomena Sanner lately but I think this is damn good.

    You can check out the game here. I do recommend it. A surprisingly fun diversion, this.

    Flash Games for Teenagers
    Games for Kids
    Arcade games
    Adventure games
    Casino games
    Read rule#8 I am now pissed as fuck if you don't stop typing like this.

    And I have no more time to trade because it's near midnight and I am sleepy, so I will give you the Dragon Dancer someday later.
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