Cowboy Dan
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  • when we fighting dan boy
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Hey man! I can't today but could do tomorrow afternoon. During the week I get off work around 6pm and im available next weekend as well. Im at gmt-6.
    my b for not messaging back sooner, I'm free when ur off work today and tmrw and can do evening over the weekend
    was casually listening to the lonesome crowded west when i suddenly heard about a major player in the cowboy scene
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Haha nice yep that's where I got the name
    hey dude, when do you want to play for roapl? i cant play this weekend, so please hit me back soon. im gmt-7 for your reference
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Hey man, just got out of my final, mind giving me some time to relax? 20 minutes to watch a show or something should be good. Just need a minute to get rid of those exam jitters.
    yeah that's fine. meet me in 20 on smogtours!
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    alright sounds good thanks
    do you still plan on finishing that adv celebi revamp? if so, you should probably tag typhlito and bkc again to check if anything's changed in the past year before writing it up. if not, i'll just lock and move it, no biggie. just tidying up a bit~
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Alright just tagged them so we'll see if they come up with anything. I'm pretty happy with it content wise personally, is there anything else I need to do outside of content to get it ready?
    once they approve it, you'll be good to start writing :3
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    alright sounds good!
    Made a new team. Want to see it??
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    yeah sure i've been kind of taking a break from mons recently but nothing wrong with taking a break from my break :)
    Great! It's a wip but ill head over to old gens so you can face it. n_n
    hey how r u doing master ? :)
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    hey long time no see, not bad how about you?
    i'm doing well thanks, irl i'm pretty busy with high school (even if its not hard), and on Smogon i'm just playing ST/Classic for fun, and as it is soon the end of the school year, i'll guess i'll tryhard a little bit (why not), even without making optimal plays in game, you could be rewarded with some haxx if ur are lucky
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    ah nice well good luck in that, i've mostly just been involved with pokemon perfect recently which has been pretty fun.
    can u play weekend?
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    hey, yeah i messaged you on pp but anyway, im gmt -7 and weekend is best for me, what's the best time for you?
    didnt want to clutter the rmt thread but 48 HP/4 SpDef dugtrio also survives raikou HP Ice guaranteed, same amount of EVs spent but a touch more in HP for overall better bulk
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    oh cool thanks, I was going off of Callous' spread, but that works even better!
    heh we play once again for pocl semis. sunday once more?
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    sounds good
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    hey, i've been on smogtours but gotta head to the store in a minute, if im not on when you show up, i should be back pretty soon.
    cool I just got home, be on soon
    Hi we're up for Corsola Cup, I'm GMT -7 I can't play today but Sunday / Monday I'm free basically all day. Tell me what time works for you!
    Ummm really I can do any time from 11:00 AM - 11:30 PM my time. If there was a specific time that would work best though, I'd say either 2:00 PM or 8:00 PM if you'd like to play later in the evening (both my time.)
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    I think 2pm your time works best for me
    Hi, I'll be on main server :)
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