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  • Whee, you can now update it ^.^

    :P impatient me

    Edit: um, now that I have B2, I can probably do a bit of research on it. It'll take me a while, but by mid-November I should be done. Sounds okay? Also, you may want to add a section (or a separate article, I can help with that) for PWT?
    Yeah, I actually was gonna do more research but it was way too tedious and kinda unwarranted. Thanks anyway.

    Though, what might be useful is that the partner's Pokemon all have IV31 always.

    At least we have something closer to the truth than "The IVs of Pokemon used in the first set (battles 1-7) are 15, 20 for the second set (battles 8-14), and 25 for the third set (15-21)." :P
    Erm, the IV03 is for the regular train. It means that for those battles, the Pokemon's IVs are all 3. The IV15/18/21/31 battles are from the Super Line.
    Uh, I have some research done; essentially, I recorded the battle videos and uploaded them, then reviewed them with Pokecheck's Vs. Player, which has so far proven itself reliable when it comes to other IVs. The results can be found here (not much though, sorry).

    "The IVs of Subway Pokemon, however, vary depending on the current set being challenged. The IVs of Pokemon used in the first set (battles 1-7) are 15, 20 for the second set (battles 8-14), and 25 for the third set (15-21). " - Your Guide

    This is false, according to the little research I have done.
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