damflame 3
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  • We play for RU Majors I in the pools. I am looking forward dueling you in the Rarely Used tier! My timezone is GMT+3. When can you play? I can't play on Saturday.
    hey hey :)
    We're paired for round 2 of the MnM Spring Seasonal
    I'm GMT +1 and generally have only time to play in the evening. I'm flexible for the weekend tho
    damflame 3
    damflame 3
    Hello i'm ok to play on saturday, would you be available around 5 pm
    nice, 5 pm sounds good
    damflame 3
    damflame 3
    you can chall damflame on shadown, whenever you are ready
    Hey, we've been paired for MnM Open :) I have three exams next week, but all in all I'm mostly available between Monday and Wednesday, or during the week-end! I'm GMT +1. What's your timetable?
    Hi, we’re paired up for the MnM toury thingy. I’m available 4PM to 5:30PM weekends guaranteed (weekdays maybe). This is provided that England right now is GMT + 1.
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