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  • Hey, darmico! Your CAP submission currently clips off the canvas, your canvas has stray color in it not part of your design, and your colors go outside of the boundaries of your outlines.
    Best to submit early and get feedback early. :( I'm sorry that you didn't make it this time.
    It is ok, I will hopefully have better luck on cap 24(if it happens any time soon). I guess my life is just too busy to all the things I want to do.
    You will find time sooner or later! :) Keep your priorities straight. I've been in and out of CAP depending on other things.
    Stop using the upload a file feature. Upload your image to an offsite imgage hosting sight such as imgur and then use the picture function to input the offsite URL for your image to display.
    been doing zelda breath of the wild and finally coming to a close on the game now back to smogon
    pikmin pokemon the two best games both share all consonants coincidence I think not
    You stole my meme. XD
    Luckily I changed it literally 30 minutes ago. I didn't even know you used it as your profile picture!
    If you want to continue that Alolan Project with another user, please do so with personal messaging. After all, I want you to be recognized as a good user. Even I made the same mistake when I first joined Smogon, so I know how such a situation feels.
    Answering your question on the CAP Kitchen thread, using Smogon conversations would be a great option for you guys. If you want to edit your post with new stuff, that'd be good too.
    Also know that these won't be used on the main server, and if CAP ever tries to do an Alolan Project (I seriously doubt we would), we could use your ideas as reference, but I encourage you not to think that just because you did it first means that you guys have all the authority on it.
    I understand
    the idea of it was not even to make them real just as a fun thing to make, and I dont even want to spam things. In fact I actually like the idea of having a separate conversation for it anyway.
    It's one of those stufful toys that can move! They are really popular among single woman.
    Did you read the post? I can help you if you have doubts but you need to read it first.
    Hey, darmico! I'd like to recommend that you don't post multiple times in a row. It's a rule common to most forums and is netiquette in general. If you have something you want to say, it's best to save it and conglomerate it into a single post. Otherwise, your ideas, as nice as your intents are, can come off as spammy. I wish you the best with your time at Smogon! :)
    thanks for letting me know quanaylis I will make sure to not spam browsers.
    Pikmin 2! Waterwraith was pretty hard to deal with on a zero-death run, even with frequent soft-resetting.
    That too.

    Have you played Pikmin 3 by chance? I haven't, but I really wanted to.
    I have it is really good, pikmin 2 is still better but it in my opinion it has the best graphics of anything on nintendo
    and it has better multiplayer
    Why do you post a shinx at the end of your post when you could just add it into your signature and never have to manually do it everyone
    how do you do that
    Take Azelfie
    Take Azelfie
    Top right click on your name where brings up the setting and everything and click on signature, then add it there are it will always appear unless you change it.
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