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  • Hey you're wish list is pretty simple for me to help you with. Check my giveaway thread read post number two take as much as you need and let me know what you want on my giveaway thread. Thanks
    That is really generous and awesome of you! However, I have almost a box and a half of backlog I'm working through, and I'd like to finish that up before I accept any more help :). I'll totally take you up on that after I finish, though. thanks a ton!
    sure glad I can help:) Have fun breeding.
    Doubt, yo! I was wondering if you were interested in a flawless, Timid Latios for your thread. :D
    I managed to clone the one I SRd while the QR cloning method lasted, and I kinda overdid it. And since I don't know if you offer legends in your thread, I thought I'd ask. ^^;
    I'd love to stock them, but unfortunately I just can't seem to get cloning down, so not now, but perhaps in in the future when I can get the hang of cloning ^_^
    Ah, I see. Yeah, I wouldn't know much about cloning myself, the most I could do was the QR method and that got patched. ^^;

    I'd give you some of my stock, though I guess it'd be too complicated to trade an entire box. ^^;

    Anyways, I'll keep one of them in reserve for you then. :)
    Sounds good :) I'll ping you if I ever do get the hang of cloning!
    Hey, Doubt! Do you have any of these in stock: Gible, Snorunt, Venipede, Meditite, Pawniard, Buneary, Litwick, Swablu, Ferroseed, Misdreavous, Porygon, Darumaka, Gligar, Pineco, Corphish, Staryu, Shroomish, Gothita

    If not, I could donate 4-5 IV spitbacks of all of them, many with HA or Egg Moves and I'm sure they have good natures. Only downside is no matching ball. You could probably give them more use than me. ^^;
    These are all spitbacks from when I was breeding my team-members. While they should all have appropriate IVs/Ability/Nature/Egg Moves where it applies, I had a lot of spitbacks in the Bank that I had to go through to find good ones.

    So just in case, check them out afterwards and if I made a mistake or one seems not good enough, just let me know. ^^;
    TYVM :D
    Glad to be of help! ^_^
    Just thought I'd let you know...about your credit system for females, I would suggest checking the female ratio. Things such as starters and Eevee have 12.5% females, Growlithe and Machop are 25%, etc. Vullaby has 100% female ratio, so I'm not sure it makes sense to cost more than starters... Just a thought. :)
    Good idea, thanks :)
    Say, are you still looking for an Entrainment Truant Durant?
    OK, I'm connecting now. My IGN is Myria, btw. For now, anything's fine for the Durant. :)
    TYVM ^_^
    No problem. ^_^
    And thanks for the Mienfoo! I was even planning on training one at some point! :D
    Sorry for the wait. I have the Magikarp and Machop, but Kanga is still in an egg. I can hatch in a few minutes unless you're fine with the egg.
    TYVM, it was a pleasure doing business with you :)
    The Vullaby should be perfect. It was one of my leftover eggs I happened to hatch when hatching Kanga.
    It is indeed - Thanks so much, you're awesome :D
    Um...hi. ^^;
    I was lurking around the forums, and curiously came across your trade thread. Something in the OP caught my attention, namely that you wanted art for your thread. Well...I had some free time, and kinda got the idea into my head, so...I made this:
    Oh, um...thanks! ^^;
    Well, I mostly did it because I wanted to try, and wanted to contribute as well. So it's fine. :)
    Um, would you mind if I posted the original artwork for it in my art thread?
    Go for it :)
    Hello, I was looking at your thread and noticed you want banners, I'd be willing to do some for you like the ones on my thread.
    For some of your pokemon of course. Anyways lemme know, thanks.
    Marill is done for whenever. Getting to work on Horsea now.
    Horsea is done as well. I'm ready to trade whenever we're both on.
    Ready to trade when you are.
    I am sorry doubt, but I will have to place you back in the hall queue. Took too many matches trying to get things moving again and I just cannot handle the load along with everything else I have to do in asb.
    That's fair enough. Thanks for your effort :)
    Paging Doubt!

    Hall refs are expected to, if the outcome of a round is not certain, REF THE ROUND. I've been reading WW's hall, and Froslass vs Servine could have swung in Servine's avour owing to the Para'd opponent. It's good habit to completely ref the round in general, for that matter.

    Please don't let me see you not ref a round again.

    Cheers, DF44
    Alright, sounds good. Thanks for the warning :)
    Hey Doubt, could you please ref my Hall Challenge?
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Darn :( I should have changed the order too.

    This is so bad.
    Haha, no worries. I barely pulled that off - I realized my first orders wouldn't work (they were exactly the same, but with frustration + frustration instead), realized I had made a math error in the calculations, then finally figured out that was pretty much the only way out. You played your part admirably, just remember: even a kill that may seem assured isn't always, so order like you'll not kill. Well played, good luck in future challenges :)
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Yeah... learned my lesson from this battle.

    Thanks a lot Doubt.
    That last round by you was amazing!
    Hey Doubt! Just wanted to let you know that you have about a day or so left to post your commands in your battle with zarator. ^^;
    Oops, thought I posted, thanks for the reminder :)
    Yup, a double check shows that I did post, it's just above your post above Zarator's
    Oh, youre right! Silly me. Ill get that reffed tonight or tomorrow morning. :>
    Thats totally fine! Have a good weekend, okay? And thanks for letting everyone know.
    Hey, just wanted to thank you for being so patient with me and helping me out with ASB. :D It's actually a lot of fun contemplating moves and such in an ASB battle; it really makes you think ahead!
    No problem :). I made a lot of the same mistakes, and yeah, it is really fun, especially when the mons are maxed and you have to deal with all sorts of things and can abuse all sorts of moves :P
    It is really easy to make mistakes, even when you read everything, so it seems. x] That's fine by me. I learn best by making said mistakes.

    Oh, I can imagine! Then you have an asston of different threats to worry about, and then your thoughts are crisscrossing each other and getting tangled up. xD
    Heya! Im assuming that the Camouflage type for ASB Arena is Normal? Or nothing at all? ^^
    Yeah, I think we'll go with Normal type in the ASB arena.
    Did you know that tagging someone via editing it in does not actually alert them to the post?
    I did not, thank you for notifying me :)
    You may want to check the wording of your second sub. Particularly the part that says "Greninja".
    Ah, thank you. I did that to my first sub too, but caught that one before posting. I have no idea why I did that :P
    There seems to be something preventing me from PMing you my pokemon for my match vs cbrevan. Can you fix this?
    I have the same problem. You should be able to turn conversations on under contact details in your account.
    It should be working now, I don't know how that happened, sorry.
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