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  • Okay- I'm sorry- this trade is taking forever cause we keep getting d/ced and stupid random people keep accepting my trade request for this other guy... arggh I'm sorry =(
    Alrighty my battle is over and I just gotta clone it for you and send it your way-- someone's picking up some pokes I had in my party with me but I'll go out and get the Kabuto for you right after that. ^_^
    Ohmygosh. I'm sorry. My wifi has died. If you're still here, we can try again.
    Everything is one credit, so I'll bring those on for you, then go clone a copy of the Aboma and bring it back. Thanks again =)
    Hey I can totally pick it up right now. =) I can clone it back to you and send you anything else you would like with your credits. Sadly I don't have any other jobs at the moment... I'll probably put some up later this week.
    Hey, I got your PM the other day about EV'ing.

    I usually just give people Pokes for them to EV, and they usually aren't from my thread lol.
    As a payment, the Ev trainer can keep a copy of the Poke he EVs.
    Let me know if you are still interested.
    Hmm... Aqua Lucario beat you to it. =( I still have a Quiet Heatran and Quiet Palkia if you would like to do either of those. Currently I'm leaving for Easter with the family, but I can find you later tonight/tomorrow to swap you something else over if you want. =)

    I'll also be catching a shiny Bellossom later tonight when I get home, though that probably isn't something all that special that you'd want to EV. xD
    Haha take your time. Thanks! Hopefully I'll have some more stuff RNGed by the time you've finished if you're ever ready to do something else. =)
    Let me run out and clone the Pichu for you and then trade it back so you have a copy. =)
    Of course I can clone it back for you! =) If you'd like, you can probably take dibs on the Abomasnow and/or Palkia.
    Uhm, just EV it and leave it as a Pichu. I can do movesets and stuff. My FC is 2536 3083 9995 if you can pick it up now!

    I remember when I was new, and just needed the chance to get started, so hopefully this will help you out in the future. =)
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