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  • all right, give me just a sec to clone bronzor and I'll head back online
    Lets do the ditto trade and one other first, I'll clone that one and then I can just trade all 6 back for another mon needing cloning and 5 junks
    I'm not busy at all lol; I just finished up a CP that took far more effort than it should have, so I need a break and cloning is easy enough that it counts as one ;)
    Add this code for me: 0131 6142 7277 and we can get started :) (I'll bring the ditto and a junk mon, head offline to clone it 5 times, then give all 6 back)
    You can have the ditto free, since I don't need anything atm :P (Buried under so many projects V_V)

    anyways, I can clone as many mons as you want (just tell me how many copies of each you want, etc) :]
    That was my fault... forgot to bring in the Tangrowth. Anyway, thanks for the trade.
    I'm leaving in 30 minutes, so if you want to trade before august, it's better that we do it now. I'm going in now.
    Hi there Doc ^_^ unless its changed, Espeon is NU. I believe you have it in UU - *shrugs* just something I noticed :)

    Nice thread by the way ^^
    hey, i'll probably be on all day today so just pm/vm me when your on to tell me what you need ev trained
    i'll vm u later for the trade okay with that :D cause today my cloner in my shop is offline
    but he might be back so i'll vm u later :)
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