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  • If you need any help, I'd be glad to help you. Just a heads up, if you do need my help, I can't clone.
    If you're capable of finding someone to clone for you (that isn't me, lol), then I'd say welcome aboard; I don't care if you have other people clone for you (or even let them keep copies of my mons in return for their cloning services), but what I'm trying to do with all this is reduce the amount of time I have to spend trading with people -- while still getting the mons I RNG/SR out into the community to those who need them for battles or w/e.

    If you're agreeable to the above, then I'll add you into the PM that I'm currently drafting to the people who have currently responded; if not then it's no big deal. (but please do let me know your decision one way or the other).

    Yep. That should be fine.
    Alright I added you to the discussion. So far I haven't sent anything off yet at this point (since we're still sorting everything out as to what is expected), so you're joining at basically the beginning. :)
    If you still need help, can I assist you. I'm almost always lurking. Just havent updated my thread because I'm trying to finish breeding everything I have in 6th Gen first.
    Cool. I should be around by then.
    I'm fine with large amounts or however many you want to send me at one time.
    Just sent off a very WIP draft of the first batch in the PM; I'll be adding a little bit more in a bit, but I've got stuff to take care of atm so I need to take a break for a bit. :/
    If you're still looking, I can help distribute mons.
    Thanks! all help is good help in this case, though I'm going to be waiting a couple more hours (like 5-8 or so) to allocate time for different timezones before creating the userlist of people I can throw my stuff at. Not to mention I'll be working up moving some of my past gen stuff into generation 6 in the meantime :P.
    Alright I'm getting started on the PM that will include what I'm thinking of sending off in the first round of this liaison business. I'll most likely start off with a relatively small list (compared to the amount of mons I've accrued over the generations) that you can pick and choose from for what you want to put in your thread(s). Obviously the end goal is to get the majority of my mons out there for people to trade for, but initially I'll let you all decide what you want to start off with (because I am totally aware that some stuff is more catchy/varies in worth from person to person).

    I am also totally agreeable (read: trying to make this process as painless as possible for all parties involved) to forwarding my mons in small blocks, whether that be 3, 6, 12 or however many you want to do at a time.
    I can help you.
    Awesome. I'm going to be working on moving some past-gen mons up to g6 here for another couple hours, then I'll put together the list of people who have responded/want to help out. Considering the general response so far, however, you will most likely be in it. :)
    Alright I'm getting started on the PM that will include what I'm thinking of sending off in the first round of this liaison business. I'll most likely start off with a relatively small list (compared to the amount of mons I've accrued over the generations) that you can pick and choose from for what you want to put in your thread(s). Obviously the end goal is to get the majority of my mons out there for people to trade for, but initially I'll let you all decide what you want to start off with (because I am totally aware that some stuff is more catchy/varies in worth from person to person).

    I am also totally agreeable (read: trying to make this process as painless as possible for all parties involved) to forwarding my mons in small blocks, whether that be 3, 6, 12 or however many you want to do at a time.
    If you give me more stuff like your Baton Pass Zapdos, I'm in. :D
    I can't gurantee that EVERYTHING I send you will be at that level of coolness, but some of it should be :P

    I'd say welcome aboard, but I'm gonna give it a day or two to see who all responds before putting together a list. :)
    Alright I'm getting started on the PM that will include what I'm thinking of sending off in the first round of this liaison business. I'll most likely start off with a relatively small list (compared to the amount of mons I've accrued over the generations) that you can pick and choose from for what you want to put in your thread(s). Obviously the end goal is to get the majority of my mons out there for people to trade for, but initially I'll let you all decide what you want to start off with (because I am totally aware that some stuff is more catchy/varies in worth from person to person).

    I am also totally agreeable (read: trying to make this process as painless as possible for all parties involved) to forwarding my mons in small blocks, whether that be 3, 6, 12 or however many you want to do at a time.
    I'm happy to act as a liaison fro you getting the pokemon you want and am more than happy to keep stock of your pokemon in my thread. They can have their own section and everything. If you have any particular wants about how you want them displayed I'm also happy to do that . If you don't want me to that's fine as well.
    Oh I'm not in any hurry, but I would like to get the stuff I've got piled up out there and into the woodworks (At least eventually). As it is, I'll probably wait a day or two to gauge the full response before coming to a consensus (or compiling a list, whatever works :P)
    Alright I'm getting started on the PM that will include what I'm thinking of sending off in the first round of this liaison business. I'll most likely start off with a relatively small list (compared to the amount of mons I've accrued over the generations) that you can pick and choose from for what you want to put in your thread(s). Obviously the end goal is to get the majority of my mons out there for people to trade for, but initially I'll let you all decide what you want to start off with (because I am totally aware that some stuff is more catchy/varies in worth from person to person).

    I am also totally agreeable (read: trying to make this process as painless as possible for all parties involved) to forwarding my mons in small blocks, whether that be 3, 6, 12 or however many you want to do at a time.
    No worries sounds good.
    hey Zari, same as Gabe but I'm in need of a Heatran. I also thought we could work something out for that Metang we talked about a while ago :)
    Hi Zari, whenever you see this can you please let me know if you are still trading? I'm really interested in your Lugia.
    Hello Zari. I have your pokemon ready. lmk when you are available.
    Don't worry I just posted this as a reminder we kinda agreed to trade at this time/hour anyway :) I'll add you and get online.
    the lotad I sent you is 31/00/xx/31/31/31 + modest :3

    Thanks for the breedables and enjoy the metang!
    Thanks for the trade. :)
    Np :)
    I can trade now. On second thought I'm also interested in your shiny Metang, could you CMT for that too?
    Hey I'll be around for the next few hours to pick up the Yveltal. :)
    Will be online in just a moment (IGN will be Noelle, on my AS).
    Thank you! :)
    You're very much welcome! Enjoy the Yveltal :3
    Would you be willing to work out a trade for that shiny Metang you got in the FS? It would go so nice with my Quick Ball one :)
    Sorry about not responding for a while, my internet has been on the fritz this past week or so (it got bad enough that we had to call a technician about the problem, lol...). Said problems we were having should be fixed now, so I will go check your thread asap!
    I'm interesting in an unnick'd + UT copy of your articuno, if that's cool with you. :)
    cant say
    cant say
    yeah I'm cool with that! lucky I just got my last one cloned. what times are good for you to trade? I'm pretty swamped all weekend but could maybe find time to sneak a trade. otherwise I'm free a lot next week!
    Hey Zari, I would really like some of the stuff you have, I have a more than decent KB legend collection, a few shinies of mine and some nice ball breeds no longer catchable(DW females)

    Mainly I wanted that Lugia and your Hasty Yveltal, can we make a PM and discuss trades for it?
    aw, you're trading your 6IV hasty lux ball yveltal? my 30/31/31/31/30/31 hasty luxury ball one is gonna bite the dust
    Congrats on your new badge! :D
    Is this the only VM you responded too in like 5 years? :p
    Tbh, the whole system change of the forum look kinda messed with how I did things, so I never really bothered with VMs until now (I haven't been on the extremely active side of things either, since I've been more busy lately :/)
    Aww :/
    I hope things are well! ^.^
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