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  • I think a credit point would be great. Are you talking about me owing you credit point or the other way around?
    I kind of suck at ubers this gen, I played a bit last gen. I try and play all tiers though. I've qualified in the last couple suspect tests for ou, so I have that going for me.
    It's not really a badge, it's only a check mark, means I voted in a suspect test. It doesn't give any of the priveledges of a badge like IS access, trou posting, bigger avatar etc.

    With that said, I'm almost at a tiering contributor badge if I vote in one more test. =)

    Do you accept PKM file then? I can give you as that instead if you want...since I think it might be a bit hard to work out the time now, since I'll be kinda busy now... .-.
    Since I see that you're on right now...do you want to trade right now? Before I go off to dinner... ._."
    SOrry for the lateness...I'll be on for the next 5-6 hours, so whenever you come, please VM me, so we can set up the trade. >_<"
    I was looking to train with energy so please contact me tomorrow for me to do it. Imma gonna go to bed soon paddys day tommorow big for irish
    Nope, I don't think it would change into Guts.

    I know Sheer Force is pretty fail, hence the superrr fully redis. It would be semi/non if it had guts. Non rng abused + flawless + right stuff = godly. :D?
    Heya, it's okay. I've been a bit busy too.

    Timburr is fully redis. Litwick.. I'm thinking about making it semi-redis. Not only was it my first in gen 5, it kinda gave me a headache to calibrate and all (I'm a typical button smasher, lawl).

    Lol, anyways I hope that helps you decide.
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