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  • Yeah, Uxie. Forgot about him. Same thing anyways. And actually, it was on the second turn. I used DD in hope of Altaria not hitting it itself. And it didn't.
    Listen, I got two choices there:
    1. Switch out and keep Altaria for later on
    2. Keep it in and get KO'd by your Shadow Ball

    And don't come with " Altaria's faster with 2 DD's", it was paralyzed. Yours where faster. The only smart choice were to switch to Milotic and see what happens.

    I ws just saying you won because you got lucky. Nothing else. I would've won otherwise.
    Not what I'm talking about. Remember that PAR from your Miltank's Body Slam. Pure luck. Your Mismagius wouldn't got that setup otherwise.
    I was already afraid of a DC. It was lagging all the time. Do you still want to battle?
    nahh no worries, it happens sometimes =/
    If i didn't get those DD's up, it probably would have been a close game
    thanks your good aswell it was a fun match nevertheless i mispredicted when i got that para hax lol thought you would use fire blast
    honestly didnt matter about crit jus made the match a turn quicker.. yea fb normallly misses a ton but meh gg
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