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  • Screw me for not realizing I had an extracurricular (won't be home till 5) and I know you probably won't see this untill you wake up so sorry :(. If you're going to be on later I could do 9-10am your time
    Well I'm gmt-6 and I don't get home until 4pm usually so I guess I'll try to be on early during the weekends
    Hey man do you can to battle today?

    10 pm in my timezone.

    My gmt -3

    if not choice your time
    O.O you can lock threads? Oh, if I need to post in the thread, do tell me though. I'm not really sure if that is needed, but that was what happened for Omicron when he took over one of Oglemi's thread. :P
    Thanks! No problem :) I'll just make a post in the thread just in case Oglemi decides to switch the OP instead of locking it. I heard a post is required to switch OP. So yea. Thanks :) This will be my 4th analysis I'm taking over.
    May I have Gallade please? :) i'll write it up after machamp's done. Need me to post on your thread? Why is AC for SD set soooooo long O.O this is going to take as long as it took for machamp. I'm the analysis scavager. So, permission to take over? :P thanks :)
    I know, I was gone for thanksgiving yesterday. I'm in America, remember? xD
    I will try to catch him today, this week has been ridiculously busy for me so this one's my fault but I'm finally free for the holiday.
    sorry; as far as I understand, the server has been down for the past two days; thus, I've been unable to catch extra.
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