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  • It has been a bit shaky because school is p hard, but i'm doin work so it'll pay at the end! n_n
    see you around if u still wanna play some games!
    hi :o how're u going? :d
    Ah what do you study again?
    I only have holidays in december so it'll take a while.
    Doing physics/maths/chemistry/eingeneer stuff, but it's a school schedule, so I often have holidays! n_n
    We'll see in december then :0
    ah cool, i do physics too, ill come on skype sometime soon so we can have a talk again
    hi MetalGross here we gotta fight for POCL uhhh I'm +2 and I'm on mostly at around 5-6 but I can player later at weekdays and pretty much all day in the weekend. let me know something!
    hey eranu when do you want to fight for RU open? I have a lot of free time right now and im GMT -7. If theres a preferred time for you I can try and make it, if not I prefer evenings my time
    Hey, I'm gone from sunday to friday so before or after that is best for me. tell me what's most convenient for you.
    after that preferable, im pretty busy til sunday and cant make a guaranteed time
    Hi, Eranu. I'm matched up against you in FUK DW. When are you available? I'm GMT +10 and school's starting up for me soon, so I won't be available until 5:00 PM on weekdays. I can play tomorrow and should be comfortable for most of the weekend.
    Thursday/Friday should be fine provided I had gained internet access by then (Which should be likely), although time ranges will be drastically different (to what extent though i'm not quite sure...)

    I should have mentioned this earlier but just as a FYI: There may be a very good chance that I may not make it on wednesday either (could be away for 14+ hours straight etc) so it should probably go without saying that i'll do my best to get this done in thursday or friday should that arise...
    Atticus has recently been subbed out of world cup, making me your new opponent. I'm available to play from 2:00 AM - 1:00 PM on any date prior to June 26. (GMT -4)
    delta told me you can only play sunday. That wont work for me unless it is before noon GMT-5 and even then i am not totally sure. if you could play during the week that would be ideal.
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