OK here's what we'll do in SDHM:
For Pokemon, I recommend you bring Kitsunoh, Gallade, Lucario, and Steelix. Make sure each one of them has Endure, and those that can learn Counter, Metal Burst, or Mirror Coat have learned it. Those moves will be useful for a plan B-dogfish44 and Maxim style. I am bringing Revenankh, Garchomp, Kingdra, and Slowking. Slowking will be using Reflect with Glyph to minimize the damage we take.
For items, do not bother with Berries, as both bosses have Unnerve. Try to use something that helps your mon, and remember that the fights will be long (8-10 rounds long), so Life Orb is not a good option. I'll be supplying the Reflect, and Glyph will make it cover the whole team.
Aerodactyl has several annoying specials. Make sure all your Pokemon that can learn Heal Pulse have it. Unfortunately, one of these specials is Wing Buffet, which lowers the threat of affected Pokemon. But there are ways to play around it. Also, I can always use Gravity or Smack Down, so we can mass-Earthquake as a last resort.
Tyranitar is straightfoward-smack it. Make sure your mons have enough HP to survive a Shatter (15 BAP Physical Rock-type spread attack). Also keep in mind that Shatter destroys Reflect. Again, make sure those mons have Heal Pulse if they can learn it.
As a last resort, Enduring the fuck out of the bosses can always work, especially since Revenankh has Air Lock and prevents Sandstorm (I think...). Again, make sure your mons have Endure, and Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst if it can learn them.