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  • yo we gotta play for uupl, i'll be on for about an hour if you wanna get it done
    hello, i got subbed in for UUPL so we have to battle, what time works best for you? i should be free any time from now on (3 PM GMT +1) except for the smogon tour.
    howdy, when would you like to battle for rupl?

    tomorrow, friday, or sunday are probably the best for me coming up. i'm gmt -5
    hey, we have to battle for uupl. i'm in gmt+2 and will be available p much every day except for sunday
    works for me I guess. I'll be on PS for the next couple hours then so I don't miss you, as well as #Rarelyused and #marshlands on IRC.
    Hm, I've barely missed you by like an hour the last day or two, do you want to try and get our match done some time later today or tomorrow? I can adjust my schedule so I can battle when you are on/up.
    fair enough i'm assuming since it's a week to week thing, 1 week? I'll check with one of the head guys on it or just ask my manager. also that works for me too.
    hey there, I'm your opponent for week 2 of the RUPL, when do you want to get our match done? I'm gmt -6 and free pretty much anytime.
    ok we can battle on ps and are you going to be available in like 3-5 hours,right?
    i can battle in like 10 minutes if you want, which simulator do you prefer?
    well im gmt-6 and i'll prefer to battle on friday night but idk what times are you available because we have a difference of like 16 hours
    did your msn break?

    ps if you dont sign on, it might worry tochu more, he thought you literally died earlier today O_O
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