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  • Well im Gmt +6 but right now im free almost all the time. Tomorrow im sorta busy but other wise name when you'l be availavle i should be able to adjust my time to do that.
    My activity this week is probably gonna end up being sporadic, would it be ok if we just tried to catch each other on IRC? If not it'd be better if you gave your available times and I tried to make time for one of them
    Yo, sorry I was afk, im going to sleep (2am right now)
    Wednesday at 5pm gmt-5 ?
    Hi, you're my opponent in the monotype tourney. I will make my team tomorrow, so I guess we can play this weekend.
    Hey, we're paired for the NU tour. When can you play? I'm getting on break after Tuesday, so I should be free a vast majority of the time.
    I'm GMT -5 I can play weekdays on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-5 PM and 8-10 PM on Wednesdays. On weekends my activity is kind of shaky so if we need to play on a weekend just let me know and I'll set aside time.
    I haven't made a team yet, and I have finals, but I should be ready by next Tuesday-ish
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