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  • can you trade now because it;s 4 oclock in the morning to here and i am gonna go to sleep soon
    Hey dude. Sorry to be a pest but this Ninjask is Adamant and I was looking for a Jolly Ninjask. lol.
    I'll still hold onto it though. Thanks for the Ninjask Nevertheless. =]
    Really? Cool! If you can, could you NN it Kakashi? If not, It's cool. I can meet you on wifi now if you'd like. =]
    Heya Frawg! What's up dood? :)
    Just wanted to know if that Jolly Shedinja in your thread comes as an UT'd Jolly Nincada to use as a Ninjask? I'm in need of one for a new OU team I want to make.
    Use my Diamond FC I'll be on in a few minutes have to adjust my router settings.

    Edit: Ok I'll be waiting on wifi with a trade invite sorry for the wait.
    all i used was sandstorm teams than chomp got banned i was like *instert rage here* . by the time i got back there was no latias and chomp to deal with so that was nice
    yeah and predicting is to easy , it gets boring i always go for earth power with heatran on a scizor cause i know their heatran is coming out ,and what stoped me playing was when grachomp went uber i got so mad i quit :$
    i use to battle alot than i gave up for a year ish nu is the best team imo , and im really bad at ou and cant make a team sooo:P
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