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  • after i saw the first psychic i was like ok no life orb, so choiced i dident think it would be specs but i thought the base speed was lower :S ive been out of the meta game for a while im tryin to relearn all this stuff its only my 2nd nu battle ive had in like a year and a half
    i was really hoping it would live that psychic but im to lazy to run calcs during battles
    Hey Frawg, sorry I missed you earlier I've been waiting for you hoping you'd pop online while I play touhou xDDD
    So we can complete our trade now if you like.

    Edit: nvm you're not online anymore so VM me when you're available ^_^
    haha. its alright. everyone loses at some point. I'm just a new battler in general. just started Sunday as a matter of fact. lol
    I never put it on my thread. You must have seen it on DMP. Anyways, its 31/30/30/31/31/31 HP Ice 70.
    oh i believe it. the lower tiers need some love too. :) That was actually my first ever NU battle. Im new to this whole thing
    I got it! But HOLY CRAP. That is officially the best battle I ever have. Dude, hit me up sometime. I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to a rematch lol
    That was amazing lol Dude that was really fun. I don't even care that I lost. I think the wow that I used cost me. I was about to trick that turn, but oh well. Dude! lol did u record it?
    Option 1 is the one I need. =]
    I can trade you the Lonely Togekiss but I'd need a copy back since my AR died on me =[.
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