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  • The banlist remain the one which was enforced at the start of the tournament, which means that, unless he joins the global ban next rounds, Garchomp remains usable
    I'd say either now or on Wednesday at 9 PM of my time. If you see this VM, I'll be on Smogon PO under "Zarator"
    Could you tell me a time when you can battle? (not simply a "wanna battle" VM when I'm online, something like "We can battle between x:x AM/PM and x:x AM/PM EST time)
    Hello, my team for Absent Deity R1 is ready, tell me when can we battle

    EDIT: But keep in mind I won't be there Sunday
    Hello, I'd like to inform you that, if you don't PM me your Strikeout Pokémon for the Round 1 of Strikeout Tournament: Black/White edition within approximately 20 hours, you are going to be replaced with a substitute.
    My zone is GMT +1 as well, you can find me roughly at this time (23:00) every day. If you have problems and would prefer a slightly different schedule, let me know
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