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  • nah it just has to be rash nature, at least thats what the moderator expert evan said. That's why that tri attack and ice beam were doing so much damage
    Yeah thunder wave, swagger, and rockslide. It could get so annoying, yeah I use rock slide over stone edge just for that reason. If I had missed one I would've lost for sure
    Hey GG man. I should really look into using that regirock on a real team of mine. It's pretty effective
    Haha. Alright. Again, thanks for the battle! I'll let you know when it goes up, though it'll probably be a week or two before it does. I have a bunch of battles to upload first. Please be patient with me, and eventually it'll go up. :)
    yeah I was wondering why you used leech seed lol. Man that hitmonchan's focus punch is over kill with 252 in attack, adamant nature, and iron fist. That's just crazy power! And regigigas did really well this match too. I'm kind of liking this team
    WHAT? That thing did half to my luxray after an intimidate and it was only scarfed??? Yeah man I love that floatzel it's swept like 2 teams so far. Did the bulk up catch you off guard? Just wondering
    GG man. Wow luxray really isn't as good of a defensive wall as I expected it to be. Eithre that or zangoose and medicham are just super powerful. Zangoose was banded right?
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