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  • hey, we gotta play for Tournament of Thieves. I've picked the team I want to use. My timezone is EST (GMT -5:00). I've got school off Thursday and Friday for just this week, but I can't play Friday evening. What timezone are you/times are good for you?
    I'm at a friend's now; I'll be around after 10:30 tonight and all of tomorrow, but after that I won't be around til wednesday.
    lol its cool. hi man. so practically im on irc/smogon po server all day (mod on po server) after 6 pm pst. weekend im normally on all day unless im busy, which sadly are this and next week for sure. but i should be on all sunday, next week i should be on earlier on saturday. anyway if you see me just pm me or something and i will be sure to answer (provided im there)
    I know I'm not super bad, but I just haven't taken the time to get used to the OU metagame and get better :P I'm mostly playing LC these days!

    Lol yeah, I haven't been as active as I used to be on BMGf. I still stop by there everyday, but only briefly. It was great seeing you too :)
    Oh lol, I meant "in such" a long time. xD

    The hax was unfortunate, but that's the game :P
    GG! Lol like I said, my team is pretty bad. Plus, I haven't played OU in sucks a long time... so sorry about the bad match. I don't really think it's Youtube quality xD
    Btw, just a fair warning, my Wi-fi tends to DC me sometimes (It's kind of uncommon, but it happens) so if that does happen it's completely unintentional!

    Edit: Lol, looks like GG. My team has a pretty large Latias weakness.
    Sorry I took so long! I'm getting on now.

    Edit: My team is going to suck, just be prepared for that lol.
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