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  • Mornings might work out on some of the weekdays (like Friday morning for me). Probably not weekends unfortuantly.
    Anytime later is okay as well. You do debate? So do I! I'm my school's captain. What format?
    Hey, when can you play for ubers adv? I'm at +12 GMT, free pretty much any time during the evenings on weekdays.
    im gonna be on like the whole day today lol. just meet me online and i should answer
    wait your hsa i just noticed lol. dude we see each other all the time on the server. just pm me lol
    lol i forgot all about this. idk how time things work. whats gmt-5 times compared to gmt-7 times
    My connexion is pretty unstable again, maybe I'll ask for an extension if we can't battle today
    Hi! We're opponents for the no-evio LC tournament, so I was wondering when we could play? I have a very open schedule this weekend, so please tell me when you want to play! (exact time por favor)
    Yo, Wednesday or Thursday at midnight (GMT+2) looks fine for me, it's just about my connexion (I actually use a public connexion and I can get disconnected at every moment)
    Same timezone. Team is ready as well. I'll look for you on the SU server. Any alts I should look under?
    Aww,if you can play in morning in week-end,it's perfect for me. We'll try saturday.
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