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  • Yea, that was very fun! One of my more thrilling matches for sure.
    Great battle :)
    That whole time I was thinking "Come on.. If I can just kill Salamence, Heracross can finish everything else with Mega Horn D:" Things didn't work out that way, though, lol.
    umm i wasnt going to reflect, i was going to explode. and then power whip you. but whatever. i didn't d/c, i never do. =/
    Wow dude I probably could have outsped and killed Kingdra with one of my guys still so chill. I was about to explode on the sub anyways and it was done the next turn.

    It happens to me from time to time, the random d/c's that is. Whatever.
    LOL, why would I quit? That was definately a connection error, we can try again if you like.
    Sorry for the very late responce. GG, indeed. I would ave let the last, I'm guessing three turns, play out, knowing I was going to lose, but I had to go.
    Crit on the Empoleon totally cost me, plus getting minimum damage with Grass knot sucked as well. GG
    lol thanks for doing the calculations....yea thats what i thought, it could atleast survived one aqua jet...ohwell gg anyway...
    i was actually afraid to send it out since your using a rain dance team...
    gg dude...that crit on gengar really hurts...might me a little different if it survived...
    No, not really. You crit my poor umbreon before it got a chance to sweep you T_T
    but yeah, that helps. You should really check your stuff, not everyone is as lenient as i am.
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