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  • Greetings! I've recently deleted a bunch of old conversations since I had so many of them. This means that I won't receive notifications anymore and can't access the conversations anymore. Just in case you might be wondering why I don't reply there anymore.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Also for your information: You're only allowed to bump your questions/requests in the thread once per page. Just letting you know before you accidentally get yourself into trouble.
    Ok, thanks, sorry about that I had asked about it awhile back but it got lost in the ether, so I didn't want that to happen again
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    It's okay, no worries. It was just meant to be a short reminder. Again, I don't want fellow users to get into trouble. :)
    May I ask what ball do you have for Pichu/meowth?
    No sorry, I only interested in apricorn ball. To be honest, you will get more trade if your pokemon isn't in a pokeball.
    Ok, thanks tho, I'm abit Oc in the fact that I what them all in the same ball, there are very few exceptions I make.
    If you want to put hide tags but you don't know how, just put the text you want between [/HIDE] and
    (the /HIDE tag should be the last tag and the other the first).
    "In Doubles, If you have a Ground-type with Lighting Rod say Rhyperior, and your partner uses Discharge is the entire move drawn or will it still hit the opponent's pokemon?"
    It would not draw the entire move. I know this from experience with Storm Drain Pokemon and surf. If I have a Zapdos and Rhyperior out, and use Discharge, then it will hit both opponents. The ability only activates for the opponent's moves.
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