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  • hi, when do u want to play for blt? I'm est (GMT -5) and available all day after 12 pm (my timezone)
    Jmac AU
    Wait wtf isn't it only 5 for you?
    Jmac AU
    You said it was 9-1 for me, and it's 9:10 right now
    Jmac AU
    please tell me next time if its daylight savings time. you cant expect me to know that, that means you are 14 hours ahead of me not 15. I haven't done anything wrong
    Blt gmt+5:30
    Free on Wednesday and friday preferably evening and afternoon or even night but only till 10 pm my time.
    Free on either saturday or Sunday tho can't be sure cuz idk when I might have my practice session.
    Could play on Thursday but only from 2 pm - 3:30 pm my time or 10 pm
    Jmac AU
    I'll probably be awake then, should be all good
    Jmac AU
    hey, I'm sure you have seen by now, but PS is down at the moment, and not sure how long it will be down for. if we cant battle tonight due to this, when would you like to reschedule?
    Jmac AU
    never mind, its back up
    sorry for johning so long lol but man festivals are crazy, i couldnt find time at all :/ i was able to login a few times on phone but you were offline. Can you play tomorrow or maybe on sunday ? i might be busy tomorrow but i CAN find time to do a battle or two unless youre fine with playing on sunday but the time we would be on could be an issue. lemme know the exact time you would be able to play so i can log in :]
    nah i remember youre 5 hours ahead of me ( gmt +5 )
    Jmac AU
    Alright sweet we should be able to do Sunday then :) preferably in the afternoon for you though because I'm working til 11 am your time
    sure then :D
    Hey we're playing against each other in BLT ou. What time this week works for you? Most times after Wednesday work well with me as long as it's not late night or early morning. I'm in gmt -7
    Your 1:30pm is my 8:30pm. Let's go with my Friday 8:30pm, so were just pushing the match one day back exactly.
    Jmac AU
    Oh, so it is, my bad. But yeah that works out ok. Sorry for the inconvenience if there is any
    Oh no np, if anything else comes up just let me know. These next few days should be pretty flexible for me.
    Hey, we're playing for the team tour (Ubers) when would you like to play? From now 'til the 24th I can be available 4-10pm gmt + 2, from then onwards I'm pretty much available whenever bar like 4-9am my time
    Is sometime around 12-2 am my time (8-10am yours) Ok?
    Jmac AU
    sorry, I was already asleep when you sent this and didnt check smogon til now. but ill be on for the next 5 hours. if we cant schedule for today, we can try 7 pm my time Friday night, or even 8 - 10 am Saturday morning. let me know what works for you
    I'm in the Ubers room right now, come find me when you're ready but preferably sometime soon bc i'm going off in about an hour
    hey bro we gotta play for the blt ...I am GMT+2 I am available on monday and wendesday!
    thanks a lot and sorry for the late hour but the hour gap is really big :(
    Jmac AU
    Haha that's ok, it's the story of my life being an Aussie, +10 haha
    hahah are you ready mate?
    Hey man, we're paired for BLT. I'm GMT -4, when do you want to play?
    Jmac AU
    8 PM your time isn't a good time for me, thats in the morning early. could you do something like 12 or 1 PM?
    Jmac AU
    10 PM*
    I'm only able to play from 4-9 PM on weekdays and Wednesday and Thursday are no good for me.
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