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  • Thanks a lot, so is your avatar/sig combo by the way.
    If you wanna know where my avatar come from, it's Coca Cola under an electron microscop, here are some other liquids : http://imgur.com/a/qa8s0
    Favorites are Coca Colar/Red Wine/Tequilla, enjoy!
    [14:56] <Earthworm|Away> the
    [14:56] <Earthworm|Away> japanese dude who she was performing as a stripper for
    [14:57] <Earthworm|Away> impregnated her
    That's exactly what happened actually, things got far busier than I expected... Figures I manage to get back right at the beginning of the new school year but this year seems to be a bit less insane.

    I missed you too, really I missed a lot of people on here it's been a long time ;_;
    I hope you're doing better by now! >_<

    and as soon as we can get in touch again, i wanna show you some flaming lips music you may not know but i'm sure you're gonna enjoy! :D
    Just letting you know that you're like my hero pluff ;___;

    how can somebody even begin to be as tough as you?? keep being fucking rad, girl
    Your story was really inspiring and I'm glad things have turned out so well for you after all the struggles you went through!
    What's going on? My thread was deleted. How do I find out who deleted it and why?
    Hello Jumpluffers. I'm MichaelXD's and Cycling Road's cousin and we need help. We were friends with Max and he died. I'm not him. Please tell serebii staff members about this incident. He was run over by a drunk driver on Tuesday.
    Hi pluff! Aww, thanks. I'm glad. ;-;

    I'm glad my post piqued interest. I was tempted to delete it, so I'm glad it proved to be interesting for you. :D
    I don't think I'm all that well-known, but my friends are the best and I love them, so I hope I'd be well-liked. xD

    You did! Thank you for the reassurance. :> <3
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