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  • Level ball HA Torchic would be cool, are you LF anything in return?
    sure, I can trade now and for a little while
    Damm we seem to miss each other a lot mhh when would be a normal time to get on for you I will try to be on as well then
    I'm in east coast USA (GMT -4h) and Germany looks to be (GMT +2h). I would say....right now! Or this time on Sunday, Monday, etc.
    Hi man, can you alert me when you have a friendball female Larvitar for me, and what you would like in return. Thanks in advance. :)

    I just wanted to let you know that your Pokémon are ready.
    The 12,5% female Aerodactyl and Chikorita took a while, but I still got everything.

    I still have you added from last time.
    I'm online and able to trade now.

    Best greetings.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Sure thing, no stress.

    Here we go, always feel free to ask me again in case you need more Pokémon.

    Best greetings.
    Ty and also sorry normally I would give you more useful stuff but I am SRing right now ^^
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Don't worry, you really don't need to give me anything back for spitbacks.

    Also, good luck with your Soft Resets.

    Best greetings.
    Hello :) You might want to change this phrase " I am mostly up around 16pm-10am GMT +1 but since my sleep is pretty weird that changes daily"

    People from America won't understand it. 16h00 is 4PM. 22h00 is 10PM. 10h00 is 10AM.

    Otherwise your thread seems good, you got 6 regions covered and some reserves for 7th gen / shinies / trophy case / SR legends if you want to add them

    Good luck!
    thx sry for check my PP so late but I will change it thx for the advice ^^
    Hi .I got the spare, female HA Scyther. It only has a few iIVs but It has 4 EMS. ^^
    Just thought I'd let you know - if your Signature is meant to be a link to your trade thread, then it doesn't work.
    It was on my old account as you can see this account is still pretty young and I havent had time to open it up again ^^
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