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  • Why would she file charges against me? D;

    Yep, something like... 78 degrees F, derp derp. :o

    Give me your ribs then if you don't like em. :C
    Ummm she is not a biological sis but lives near me and we're bbfls but she still knows how to tease me ogod D8

    Idk, I don't like the cold nor the heat! XD

    Mmm ribs..
    She's more of a sister by heart, not by blood. 8)

    Idk, I don't like staying outside when it's super hot but I like the smell of barbeque. D8
    Yeah I am pretty cranky while in class but also she was playing mah video games :G

    Ewwy thunderstorm. It's just super sunny here. @@
    Aww feel free to IM me sometime!
    But yeah I am busy today cooking out and stuff.. D:
    What are you doing?
    I have an Iv'd female dw eevee. I guess I can breed extras of my random-ivd female Poliwag and Dratini but I am mighty lazy. :)
    Not difficult, but the PID RNG isn't reseeded when the CGear is turned on so it's not really going to do anything.
    You, Me, and the other 3 winners of the giveaway can trade. No one else can.
    And you're welcome :D
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