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  • Hey dude, it would seem we are matched for tutoring. I also am not blind, and have noticed you are both away for a while and occupied with school. So if it is impossible for you to tutor me, I understand, but please let me know ahead of time.
    Yeah sorry, with school I've been pretty much off smogon for the last few months but the battling 101 people haven't gotten the message yet haha. Let limitless know you need another tutor and hopefully you should be able to get one this round. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    I believe your tutoring had a significant impact on me, even though it wasn't quite complete. I have gotten much better and can now create and use a variety of competitive teams. I also just realized I've developed quite the love for a special lil guy called NP BP Celebi. I just thought I'd say thanks :)
    i just want you to know that i chose your post because it had a condensed version of the arguments others had made, i wasn't like trying to specifically call you out.
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    Haha no worries man, I'm always up for friendly discussions ( /arguments hehe)
    Minor point about your post in the suspect thread: Jellicent (base 60) is naturally slower than both Tyranitar (base 61) and Scizor (base 65), and as a result will often need to hit these Pokemon on the switch - running a few extra EVs to outspeed 8 Speed Scizor (which already outspeeds 44 Speed Jellicent by one point...) isn't a bad option, but if you're trying to outrun standard CBTar you're wasting EVs.
    True I guess. Still, standard CBtar runs only 76 speed, so you have to run what, 88 or something? it does lose you ~10 points in defense, but it's definitely something to consider given how often that can be the difference between jelli outspeeding and burning and getting demolished by crunch. It's true though, you have to EV for that fsure
    Can you do it tomorrow? I have one more exam tomorrow but after tomorrow it's finally my summer :P
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