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  • i am aj. i haev lots of stall experience and shit talk inexperienced wcop stall players w/ my "because i can" logic. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your teambuilder and add Porygon-2 to all of your teams.
    Yo when do u wanna pley for OCL? I'm pretty open as far as times go, and I'm EST (GMT-5)
    Unless you're busy tomorrow, that'd be best for me. I'll be in the OU room most of tomorrow. If for some reason we miss each other we can schedule an exact time for Sunday.
    I am actually kinda busy tomorrow, but I'm free all of sunday; I think that would be best. Literally any time is good
    I doubt i'll be able to play on Sunday (i've 2 final exams next week), but i will be free from Thursday to Saturday. Anyway, we have until 7th of February to play, so there's not need to play this week.
    Hey, just wanted to say great team! I don't have any rates so I didnt post in the thread. Creative OU team...damn using those two words in one sentence is weird!
    Thanks man, I really appreciate it! Like I said in the post, I love weird and creative sets/teams, and this team is a perfect example :]
    I just wish I would've thought of it a while ago so I would've had more time to ladder with it :/
    Glad you liked the team!
    Hey, we are paired for the Highlander tour
    Is it ok if we play this week-end? because I won't be available before Friday night, I am GMT+2
    Playing this weekend is fine with me. I'll be busy until 4 pm GMT -4 on Saturday, but after that I'm good.
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