Level 51
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  • when do you wanna play for ssnls im gmt -5
    Level 51
    Level 51
    hi! i'm gmt+8, so it'd have to be something like your morning / my night or vice versa. would you prefer to play in your morning or night? i'm pretty free for the most part so either is good w me, except i'm busy both saturday and sunday night so it might not be convenient then
    i would prefer to play mornings if that's fine for you. just not too early haha. we can play next week monday/tuesday
    Level 51
    Level 51
    ah woops forgot to reply to this -- yea next monday / tuesday definitely works, shall we set it for tuesday morning your time?
    hey nice rmt, i noticed something weird about it though

    for the shedinja part it says "you can see an early version with slaking here" but there's no link on it and i'm assuming there's meant to be one, just wanted to point that out cause im interested in this slaking squad
    Skymin Tour. ik our time difference will be rough but I'm gmt-8. Can you play anytime Friday-Sunday?
    Level 51
    Level 51
    I'm +8, most times during my daytime (say 11am-midnight) are good for me except for Sunday morning and early afternoon :) how about your Friday night (~10pm) which is my Saturday early afternoon (~2pm)?
    works for me! cya then
    Did you name your Tree RMT because you were going to use it to clue JEJUNUM in your original R2 meta?

    This is what I’m doing instead of working on MUMS oof
    Level 51
    Level 51
    LOOOOL no, the puzzle can be solved independently of other sources
    Hey! We play for DPL. I'm in GMT -5 (US Central Time). I should be generally free from 10 AM - 9 PM if I have enough notice. I can't play on Sunday, Wednesday after 5:00 PM, and I /might/ be unavailable for a few hours Saturday evening, but I am currently unsure. What works best for you?
    Sorry for the short notice, but I'm going to try to arrive early for our match today, if that's something that works for you. But if you aren't around / had other plans, the scheduled time will work just fine.
    Level 51
    Level 51
    Early is cool, cya then!
    Level 51
    Level 51
    (Probably any time after 8:30am your time works)
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