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  • Hey Leviathes, can I borrow some of your fakemons? ,,,Err actually, all of them lol please please please

    I'll credit you in case you agree.
    Yeah I am. I don't like what's happening in the project anymore so I'm making my own fangame. So yeah if you're okay with it, I'll use your fakemon ideas (I might modify stats, movepools and such though).
    Well whatever man, it's just a bunch of text anyway so yeah feel free to use it, no need to credit me.

    So uh what happened in the project that you don't like?
    It's in a slump, and even though we got the group's data back, I feel like I could do most of the game by myself. I actually have almost 80 fakemon data (except for the sprite), a mapping engine, a game name, etc. And with your fakemon data that bumps it up to 100. So yeah I'm spearheading it solo now.
    Leviathes I had no control over if I could delete the impersonation profile or not because Snaq doesnt do anything. Nad your assumption about "impersonatingg Snaq and Namine and Celever" is very ridiculous; In not that fucking stupid to do something like that... AGAIN.
    Plus you do not know what I am going through with Snaq and everyone else so please forgive me if I did anything to you to make you upset. Please just stay on the forums and I have tried everything to stay on neutral terms with everyone.
    Porygon can't impersonate anymore he got banned on tervari IP banned. We kn his IP so if he joins it is insta ban. So don't worry about that ;)
    youre mean
    hahahahahahahahahaahaha youre soo funny bcause I can erase my IP address info and my cookies :)
    For some reason I have the feeling you need to look in the Pokemon/Pokedex thread, just saying
    I totally agree with you, a lot of people want to make them and yea, they are rejected
    Could I ask to you how late it is at your place?

    Morning already?

    it is half past 3 here ^^

    Oh, and use this as a reference for all of your mons art:
    Hi, I know you submitted a water starter and I voted positive for it, but currently both Hydrogalo and Valorca line [which I've voted positive for both] are supposedly accepted. So I'm going to withdraw one of my vote on one of them. Please read the page 111 of the Pokedex thread with regards to my decision.

    Thank you for your time.
    They do not, but that is something added by me, much Pokemon have extra things they do not have IRL or it wouldn't be Pokemon
    I thought the giant wing like things made it ok to have Quiver Dance, let's do first *look at Lilligant
    Ehm, Tinted Lens ya

    We have Armogeist and Scytheclopshu

    Ehm, is it OK, if we decide during play tests?
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