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Little Hulk
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    a dank meme

    Just need you to sign here for me: _____x
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    signed sealed delivered im yours xx. hope youre doing well bro, i just finished with my college and i dont think i ever wanna take another class again lol. finally god damn
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    wow how did i never see this? good to hear you wrapped up college lmfao that shit has been brutal espec online. but yeah man i've been swell... still in college and just on the grind i guess. had no idea you still logged in man i thought that message was just a bottle in the ocean.
    Well this is a throwback
    How's it going, old friend?
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    Hey snowbalt! It's really nice to hear from you. Im doing pretty well, same smart alec as usual, just getting older, as we all are I suppose. What about you? Are you in college/grad school? I bet that whatever youre doing, you are finding success--youre pretty smart and resourceful. Anways, thanks for reaching out to say hi, that was quite honestly very thoughtful and I really appreciated the message.
    You're alive? Wowzers! As for me, I graduated university and have a full-time job now!
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    hey man i wanted to say congrats on graduating and landing a nice job, i hope that your career has been very kind to you, man! you deserve it! i just graduated (took long enough) a couple months back and im very excited to begin my career as well. hope all is well man, wishing you well!
    hi little hulk. i hope ur well. u were one of the Good Ones
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    v, firstly, thank you--that's very thoughtful of you, and i know the following comment is overstated at times to the point of meaninglessness, but i really
    do appreciate your message.I'll never forget how u helped me when i was first getting into using glass products and pipes and didnt rlly know what the fuck to buy or what i was doing at all, really. Always thought you were a sufficiently chill dude 1/2
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    .... who has a great sense of humor, if memory serves right. I always appreciated /laughed along to many of your posts as i found them to be sufficiently ample in regards to wit and anti/dark humor and or sarcastic set ups/mechanisms. I know this probably come off as weird as fuck; and i hope it doesnt, but let me know if you're ever in my area and want to smoke a bowl with me.
    ur post is no weirder than mine lol, and i am glad u enjoyed my posts. id be down for a smoke too, i live in ma so not terribly far away. i'll hit u up if i find myself in lobstatown
    come back
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    thanks man. i might contribute here and there on firebot from time to time. it's been a while for sure tho. hope ur doing well.
    whats fresh my man
    iirc he posted hentai of plusle and minun in firebot. talk about going out in flames!

    what makes u say that about meeting with academic advisors more? im the first in my family to get past middle school so im kinda dumb with this shit.

    other than that, im pretty alright. typin this on my bus, bout to take english+chem finals. ready for a new semester lol, i was lazy this one and its coming to bite me
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    bro i flunked my 1st half of sohpmore year so i feel u. total lack of giving a shit, depression, anxiety, drug abuse, shit adds up, mane. all i can say is u gotta do it for u man, just remember because at the end of the day ya gotta lift yourself up, friends and fam can/will only do so much. academic advisor is just the dude who makes sure u dont take dumb courses, unless u got extra time n dont care about the cost, of course. shits getting wild out here man, it will be an interesting year, thats for fucking sure !!
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    astroboy, i did no such thing. i got banned for being a dick to a snitching ass mod. little hulk whats good man?
    thought u went to the great firebot in teh Sky
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    getting sick as hell of all the lies and bs that they feed us lol
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    OLD GREGG (im back baby)
    Eh, the media really took some harsh blows under the current administration. NDAA made it perfectly legal for our gov to use tax-payer dollars to create propaganda. Sad but true.
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    obama veto denied 97-1 in bill that gives american victims of 911 right to sue saudi arabia.... hahahah fucking crushed him
    said "fuck it," smoked weed for the first time with some buddies at a park other night, was cool. pretty much a nonexistent high (i hear that its like that for a lot/most people, so idrc) but had a generally good time. might try again
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    warning: ranting essay incoming

    dude im legit psyched for you. i didnt smoke for the first time until I was 19 years old, due mainly to late 90's early 000's anti-weed propaganda b.s. tbh, i regret not having tried it earlier. it is really quite a relaxing and enjoyable experience, much better experience w/ it than i have had w/ drinking alcohol.

    the high for me on my first time was strange, i remember time being very slowed down. My gf's dog was staring at me for ~5 minutes, and I yelled out (not loudly) "holy fuck why has your dog been staring at me for 2 hours." to which she basically replied that only several minutes had gone by and that i was tripping out lol. Next time I do suggest getting your favorite food and either playing a loved game or putting on your favorite tv show or w/e. smoking enhances these activities tremendously without dulling the senses like alcohol.....
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    ....although, some of the best times ive ever had were just me and a couple buddies, sitting in a car or apt, smoking a blunt or J, and just talking for hours and hours on so many different world realities, interesting topics, weird theories, funny stories, nostalgic shit.. etc etc. Not that u need weed for fun, but if i'm feeling stressed or anxietal, normal shit and whatnot, then a quick J and some company is always a great way to lighten up the day. I especially would have appreciated having something like that when i was 16-18, because those years, especially 18, i became a bit unhinged mentally due to an inability to manage and confront stress in a healthy way; i was very angry and irrational then. im way more chilled out as a person in my early 20s now, and weed isnt the direct reason, but it certainly helped me out.
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    oh and just take it slow and u will accustom yourself to marijuana in the most pleasant way possible. Trust me, man... i was fuckin 19 and had no idea how to hit a bong, roll a j, or anything about that shit. so at first it seemed weird/awkward/wrong, but when i got used to it, i realized i was just chilling and relaxing, no different than a dude who cracks open 1-2 beers during the football game... although, much danker stench, haha
    happy birthday man. been a while, hope you're having a good one.
    ah i see, it's no big deal anyway, man. i'm doing well, just started going back to school today. still going with chem and i'm having a decent time with it, so things should go smoothly for me (calculus is a pain in the ass though). must be a relief to be nearly done, hope all goes well for you too.
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    it's a relief, especially because im lagging behind by about 1 semester (id like to be done with undergrad, im 23 for christ sakes lol). Chemistry is difficult, but really rewarding. i have a buddy who struggled with his chem major for a bit, but now he's really got the hang of things. doing calc on the white board over and over again tends to help solidify the skills u need to hone in order to really understand the material that ur analyzing. good luck to you this semester dude, have fun and if u go out, be safe!
    yeah i have to drive a little ways each day (its luckily country driving though), but thanks man i really appreciate it. hoping i have fun as well because im finally getting into brand new material.
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    american psycho plus anime.... the sequel. id watch it, itd probably kick serious ass
    have u actually seen the american psycho sequel... my girlfriend broke up with me when she found out how many stds that movie gave me
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    the second one was a fucking abomination to the original and movies in general, lol
    today i went to my nieces middle school graduation and there was this dinosaur on a walker who made a speech with the best fucking anti-drug line ive ever heard
    "While some of you use the acronym L-O-L while texting, why not try using I-S-S for I'm Staying Sober"
    bro i dropped the 40 in my hand and i was a saved man
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    dude their really connected to the kids LOL!! But for real, it's been proven that cheesy anti-drug PSA ads actually increase drug use. Phillip Morris, before it became the Altria Group, used this tactic in the 90's in their 'anti-smoking' ads. The ads featured actors that played the part of 'parents' and 'kids' and the slogan was along the lines of "have you talked to YOUR teens about smoking," followed by a frowning, disappointed close-up of the parents. Smoking rates, shown by multiple University studies, were shown have actually been increased by these bullshit PSA's. Like, I smoke, and I wouldn't recommend people abuse that shit. but, at the very least, they could make a fucking honest effort and not put out the fucking scare tactic, out-of-touch with reality, shit PSA's that they have been for the past few decades since the atrocity that is D.A.R.E. was implemented, lmao
    dare was disbanded During My Youth Youth so i didn't have to go through that lol.
    that's bogus tho. like, saying having "have you talked to YOUR teens about smoking" associated with negative imagery just reinforces the mindset of "oh i can't tell my mom i did a drugs! she'll hate me and be dissapointed," which doesn't stop them from doing drugs, it just means they're creating a more strained relationship for both ends
    idk why people think scare tactics are an effective means of helping eliminate an issue. all it does is add more of an "allure" towards the thing they're trying to disencourage the use of. like with pot, i've been around it my whole life and i don't really wanna smoke so i haven't, but once i got into highschool and it became easily available i saw all these upper-class snobs smoke like they were at a reggae concert.
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    Pot culture is so cancerous. Me and my buddies smoke a decent amount of weed, but we don't make it our fucking life. We smoke in private, and of course, we don't wear stupid shit. like, for instance, an ass ugly, oversized, natty looking, Rastafarian hemp shirt. Mostly anyone who attempts to personify any inanimate object into something bigger than it actually is are the exact reason why there are people who will illogically oppose any particular object in question. In my opinion, weed is really nice, but if you ask me, I personally think that it's best suited as a casual hobby. Having a healthy passion for something is one thing...but, if a person is a completely obnoxious, neckbeard-esque, awkward, and smelly loser about that passion, then they can go get fucked. Good points btw, pisses me off when they'll invest money in those fucking stupid anti smoking ads, and not invest that same money into actual long term rehabilitation solutions. such as more accessible and affordable local treatment centers.
    hey CHAD, smell ya later Dweeb
    im alrigt haha. i got a job at a tux place while i left smog and its p cool, mindless work but hey it pays. my coworker said "Epic Fail!" the other day and i got a couple extra chromasomes. hbu!
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    lmao, dealing with cringey co-workers, is like, my specialty... jesus christ, i cant tell you how many times ive been working at the dining hall i currently work at, and sure enough, someone NEVER fails to share out-loud some type of shitty, outdated, and unfunny maymay. the worst part is that they always think that it's fucking hilarious and of course i just have to grit my teeth, smile and nod, while silently wishing a meteorite would fall through the ceiling and strike me dead.
    lelllllll..... u mad bro? u mad because u jelly they can just chillax, have a brew, and make some epic memes?
    whats good my friendo little hulk
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    Feeling pretty good, my dude. Got my college semester grades back today and I got the best grades that I've ever gotten since I quit drinking alcohol. Mind is a lot more clear now that I'm sober, and I'm feeling pretty happy. Hope all is well with you too, man.
    yea im good, i mod cong and gl too now, im a real big guy here on smogon
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    They dont call ya 'the people's favorite' for nothing, my friend
    my parents are also yankees as well so does that make us family?
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    most of my family is from massachussetts, birthplace of american freedom fuck yeah
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    yeah, a lot of mine too, from a few generations ago all mass, since then maine though.
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    me n my bestie are going to watch a game at Fenway park I'm dead serious when I say I'll make the drive to ur place and we can discuss smogon politics n shit
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    "she said you cant hurry love, no you'll just have to wait, she said love dont come easy, it's a game ill give and take" hahahah omg that's eerily ironic that this was the song that was playing in the background considering being a virgin is what pushed him over the edge
    if u notice, every song he plays in a video of his is some 20th century love song sung by a woman
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    truly a warrior of fine tastes. his legacy will reign as timeless and classy
    you're just like astroboy
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    thank you, i actually consider that to be a very nice compliment. I really like your artwork, man. Im always impressed by a talented artist, as i cannot draw worth a damn
    as long as you get where i'm coming from dude
    also thank, that means a lot. I think anyone can get into art if they try, believe in urself :)
    little hulk was the dude who got me into firebot really in the first place
    Upon walking up to a delectable mate, I attempted to seduce her by complementing her ample breasts... However, this vile wench corresponded with little other than a vile, disgusted look. I suppose some women don't appreciate an alpha male, such as myself, when presented with one
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    Ahh, yes a true alpha male in his natural habitat. He is the maker of cucks; the supreme ruler of all broads and bitches and whores alike.
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