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  • Hi, I'm not so interested in trading breeding pairs, but I can trade a Gyarados male for Absol (don't care about gender) :)
    Darling! you posted that in your profile :P!!! You're pokemon was indeed transferred I was just waiting for you to get back to me...
    Alright, another time then :p You don't need to transfer it if you don't want to, I just said black so that I don't have to switch the game^^
    I would need to transfer it first then and I wont have time for that right now. I'll do that when I get back, then we can trade. Sorry about that. :<
    I'm GMT -5 I think (mid US)...

    And yeah, I've been busy too. We'll catch each other on the weekend or something maybe.
    Thanks again! Naive is such a good nature on a Thundurus; after all, he's not just special!

    Thanks for the trade. 8^y
    Gotcha, I will see you in Platinum then =). My FCs are both in my signature.
    That sounds good, although note that I don't have the Chansey in Gen4, just Gen5. I'll meet you in Wi-Fi. By the way, where can I find your Gen4 FC? All I see is your Black and White ones on your thread.
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