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  • wifi is only running at 20%. Apparently some sort of computer exploded at the place I get my internet/wifi from. Internet is still running, just that the wifi isn't gonna work properly for a few hours...
    Heya, you won a hitmonchan in Umbreon's giveaway. You available to receive it now?
    good game, and thanks man. yeah that sucked for me :[ but I got lucky that star was scarfed (i think) or else I couldn't haveve have gotten brel to set up
    Sorry, yeah that was me, I was so distracted, then I realise I didn't have my Alternate forme code on, then I realised I hadn't added you to my Pal Pad, then I realised I'd forgotten to actualy change Rotom's forme, but it was too late >_>. Sorry, I don't usually take so long.
    And yeah, you can usually use the special moves if you use the AR code, even if you're facing a D/P player.
    Sorry, I played terribly, and Rotom screwed up >_> I'm not usually quite that awful XD
    Thanks, too bad for speed ties. All well, gg, and thanks for the battle as well. Felt kinda bad after the loss, but won a few battles afterward, which made up for it. hope we can battle again sometime (after a little more practice maybe)....
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