a fairy Oct 5, 2013 http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/issue-30-released.3488772/page-2#post-4867418 you realize you can fix these yourself right?
http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/issue-30-released.3488772/page-2#post-4867418 you realize you can fix these yourself right?
Hulavuta Oct 5, 2013 Man, you got 5 followers now >:[ I was the first follower and I was following Mack before it was cool
Man, you got 5 followers now >:[ I was the first follower and I was following Mack before it was cool
Kingler Oct 2, 2013 WHAT THE HELL YOU GOT A BADGE Congrats, and totally deserved for a person whose smog articles i enjoy reading!
WHAT THE HELL YOU GOT A BADGE Congrats, and totally deserved for a person whose smog articles i enjoy reading!
GatoDelFuego Oct 1, 2013 woah ho ho ho welcome to the badges club! Now you can now contact sandshrewz for authorization of your smogon gold membership.
woah ho ho ho welcome to the badges club! Now you can now contact sandshrewz for authorization of your smogon gold membership.
Hulavuta Oct 1, 2013 Lol, how did I miss that? Well nothing to say besides congratulations and I told you so :P
GatoDelFuego Sep 23, 2013 Yeah just so you know I deleted your post on my profile just in case it was confusing anyone, especially if they didn't have smog access.
Yeah just so you know I deleted your post on my profile just in case it was confusing anyone, especially if they didn't have smog access.
Flora Sep 13, 2013 He seems aware of it... and he's usually logged into IRC but yeah, if threads like his don't show any progress in 2 days, I'll bump it.
He seems aware of it... and he's usually logged into IRC but yeah, if threads like his don't show any progress in 2 days, I'll bump it.