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  • Is there anything else you need because I would live to get all three pokes I need from you tonight(keldeo, genesect, and melotte)
    I really am just looking for keldeo, genesect, and moledeo....all with close to flawless iv's ....I also can clone and send copies back!!!!
    Sorry for the delay, I will have your Cooke today....I will pm you with my fc when it's done, thanks again
    I can RNG the Regigigas shiny flawless tonight...I just need to know what nature you want....also it may not be hex flawless, but i can get it very close, the nature and my PID will determine what I can get.....It will be from platinum so it will be at LV 1 I believe, but I will then trade it to Black for the Keldeo trade...thanks
    Lots of near flawless pokes and several rng shinies....several vgc pokes let me know what u r looking for
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