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  • Yo, you all right?
    Thanks for your concern. I will be alright, i am just...busy/tired/not very interested as hell atm. ASBuddies and the Raid are literally the only things i am willing myself to do atm.
    S0L1D G0LD
    S0L1D G0LD

    Well, I'm glad to hear that all's fine with you.
    Hey Mate, I added the Sketches. ^_^

    But does Bide Release work on the action Smeargle is out? I am not exactly sure if you could switch in between Bide.
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Are you sure that you want to use Imprison on action 1 in ASBuddies?
    Hummm...well, sure. Banette isnt Taunted, Imprison isnt Disabled and he knows every single move in there. Was just about to switch Knock Off since i realised thats Imprisoned and i am not sure how it would interact.

    We are desperate anyway, is there a problem? The actions are already set.
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Well there is no problem, but I don't understand Helping Hand on Imprison. Will ref the round later tonight.
    Can you just tell me when you've decided whether you're taking just Zt's Arcade or Zt and Gale's Arcade because I'll take whichever you don't
    Alriht, taking Zt. I will post in the thread.
    In your opinion, do you think I will win the Bug badge? :3
    In theory, Sableye beats Shuckle, but it is still too early to say for sure.
    Sluggishness stays even when the Pokemon is recalled? Can I have a link or something?
    Also you should probably say somewhere that Fortress is Taunted for 4a
    I am 99% sure that you couldnt remove Sluggish like this before, but it has been a pretty long time since i read this. I asked around on IRC and they confirmed the Sluggishness will, indeed, be canceled. I will fix that, and the Taunt thing, asap. Sorry i am just too tired.
    It's fine. :33
    Mat, I think you can't trace for free in you SIC(K) battle right now. Trace can be activated for free during send out or by using an action. Please correct me if I am wrong.
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Mate, in your battle against Rick in the Pyramid...
    Triples format would take two actions no?
    I think the Pyramid's Triples is 3 actions. Akela can just disregard A3, since they are repeats.
    Gale Wing Srock
    Gale Wing Srock
    Oh cool, Just wanted to tell you about that. Not a big deal ;)
    Can you make me a custom sprite? I want a white Aromatisse with green eyes and a pink mask. The pink that I want is the same shade of pink normal Aromatisse's body color is, and the green is the same shade of green as Gallade is. Do whichever variation of white (or very light gray, if need be) you need to use to make it look nice. Keep the limbs the same color they are.
    Alright, so the torso and head are green and the pink around the eyes changed to it's regular pink?

    Ya, i can do that. I actually have to sleep soon and then go to college, but i will get on your request when i am back.
    Ops, meant the head and torso are white lol
    Torso and head are white. Eyes are green; the same green that Gallade is. Mask is pink.
    Hmm. Think you could write a viability argument for Sigilyph?
    Probably not, i dont use mine's very much, but it seems solid with it's good stats and abilites.
    We have to decide a team name. And we also have to decide a team.
    No, the team won't be named yolol. Yes, you can bring Steve.
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