Melon Vodka
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  • hey, I'm your tutor, this my account on discord eutychios#5264, pm me and we'll start :)
    Sorry to bother you but I got your message. Would it still be possible for me to get a Garchomp since I got sniped or are you all out?
    Melon Vodka
    Melon Vodka
    you are late, man. The giveaway is closed. :\
    hey, bud, we're playing for the pu tournament. i'm gmt +13 and not really available till the weekend, but i should be able to play in my afternoon then, and possibly afternoons during the week as well, but that's inconsistent and only viable if i'm online at the time and i know i don't have to leave
    definitely not, i'm at class and that's nowhere near the afternoon lol. i prolly cant play until saturday/sunday
    on the weekend, when are you available, bc i should be in my afternoons for both of sunday/saturday
    deadline is soon, pls answer ^_^
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