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  • Ugh I deleted the post and I need you to confirm here that you gave me the win, sorry for bothering man
    when adv seasonal?
    im gmt+10. 9am-2pm is okay during the week, and 10pm-11pm in evenings everyday
    what suits you the most?
    I think i’m -4 or -5 so you’re like 14 hours ahead of me i think. So we’ll hBe to shoot for an evening game for you, morning game for me
    yeah. so 10pm-11pm my time should be 8am-9am for you

    ill be on during that time bracket. also feel free to add me on discord thelinearcurve#5330 if that makes it easier
    i appreciate that. i\ll send you a request. i am on bkc's server as well
    Hi. When can you play for DPP seasonal. I'm GMT+1 and I mostly play from about 9-12pm but I can play pretty much whenever
    When do you wanna play for mlroa? I'm gmt -5 and can't play until either Sunday evening or the ensuing days. What day/time works best for you?
    is that est now since daylight savings time? also, sunday evening i cannot do because i start my new job sunday evening. so it'll have to be on that monday or tuesday
    To answer your first question, yes it’s EST. That Tuesday sounds fine, and I’ll be free from 10 AM-Noon and 3 PM-6 PM
    Just making sure, is that Tuesday fine? If so, what time works best for you out of what I listed?
    Hi MLROA, im GMT-4 but i can play only the tuesday, thursday and weekends all time, Tell me a day and time it would be in my Timezone and we make it work
    hi, MLRoA4 RBY OU. GMT -4 here. I'm pretty busy during this week because of mid terms and papers, but I should be able to play any time today (monday) and tuesday evening. Saturday also works well for me, just pick a time during the day. Thank you!
    hey! i can play rn just to e clear, is it s Bo1 or Bo3?
    first to 1 win. I'm online right now as well on smogtours, or on main as "regirock"
    hey when do you wanna play for lc ssnls? I'm gmt +2 and i should be available most of the day tomorrow
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