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  • hi, free to play on perhaps wednesday or thursday? im gmt -1 (i think)
    also if its cool with you, do you mind doing bo3?
    ik we talked on ps, but just wanted to put this on here that we agreed to bo3 and are playing thursday
    yea, if u are free in the next 2 or so hours that would be ideal for me :)
    when lc open? gmt+1, can do most nights
    so gmt -4 and I will be free also pretty much anytime from this Friday on so lmk a time that works for you
    when do you want to fight for uu open ? gmt+2
    I'm gmt -4 and will be free pretty much anytime from Friday on so lmk what works for you
    how is saturday 6pm your time?
    sounds great
    OU team tour, im gmt -3 when you want to play?
    been away for the last week sry, also im gmt -4 and can do pretty much anytime for the next 3 days, i'd have to know what works for you besides that
    your team has already losed the series, wanna play even so?
    oh rip well nah im good then
    Hi, we're paired to play Battle city Semifinals when could we play? gmt -4
    hey man, I'm GMT -4 as well and can normally do after 4:00-4:30ish on weekdays but I'm gonna be pretty swamped this week so it might be harder scheduling, I can do pretty much anytime on the weekend tho
    yo im on tours for bc playoffs
    oh sup I can play later on tonight if thats cool with you, or we could try to organize a time during the week, i'm GMT -4 and can do after 3:00 most days
    ah later tonight would be best, thanks man
    we have to battle for BL mons matter, I am GMT + 2, when can you play?
    I can play saturday around 1 pm my time?
    uhh that time is a little shaky but as of right now I can make it, if anything sunday would be better at this time for me, but again I think i should be able to make it
    I'm on showdown as Brancus, just pm me there and I'll answer when I see your message :p
    rofl again against you >.> for the sweet 16, when do u can play ? i'm gmt+2
    stop getting me rip I have to lose eventually lmao same thing for me man gmt -4 can play after 3:30ish my time blah blah blah weekends anytime really ye
    ok so, sunday u can?
    yup that sounds good cya then man
    hey when do u wanna play for sweet 16 i wanna get this done asap since i'm leaving for a business trip on saturday and won't have reliable wifi for a week, i'm gmt+2 and free in the afternoons
    sup dude, i'm GMT -4 and have tomorrow off so that would be perfect, do you think you could do tomorrow at like 4:00 pm ur time?
    sure, i'll be on smogtours
    pls bless ou vr with a post of urs
    lol you flatter me, this sus is the first time I've really expressed an opinion on something, glad to hear its well received n_n
    Hey, we need to play for CAPTT, when's good for you? I'm GMT+1 and free until Thursday and at the weekend :)
    Sup man, I'm GMT -4 and I will be most free around 3:30 pm my time, so 7:30ish your time, with that in mind how does thursday thursday 3:30 my time sound?
    Could we make it Wednesday at that time? I'm not free on Thursday or Friday sorry (also isn't it 8:30 my time :p )
    u see I have a 2nd grade edumacation so idk how to math lel, yeah sure wednesday would be fine
    Hey, we're paired for LC open r4. I'm GMT-4, available all evenings after 7 PM except Thursday. Early mornings work too if you'd rather do that. When would you like to battle?
    omg Spark :o I didnt think we'd have to play till CAPtt lol, im most free to play on weekends, so if that works for you I'd prefer to play then, I am GMT -4 as well
    yo u free any time today? i'm out from the 13th-20th so it would be best for me to do today. btw i'm gmt-4
    altight ill be on ps main under this name just pm when ready, if i dont respond I might be at lunch lol, dw I'll be back in 15-20ish minutes
    k. i might be doing the same lol
    alright dude back from lunch just will be chilling on main
    chall when ready
    Hey, we are pairing for Ubers Open, i'm gmt -3
    im most free on Sunday's so lets say like... 6:00 my time? or 7:00 your time, does that sound ok with you?
    yeah is fine
    ok dude, just in case ur on early, I'll be on ps under Ming549, just pm when ready, ik im early but juts in case
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