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  • lc open round 2, im gonna be away from tomorrow night until about sunday so if we could play today or tomorrow that'd be great! (gmt-4)
    uhh yeah things look dicey for me tomorrow, my schedule is looking weird, I think i might be able to play around 1ish pm to 3ish pm does that work?
    thanks for the consideration but you can actually have the win, gl in the rest
    alright dude, i feel a little bad for this but thanks man!
    Hey, when can you play for filling the gen cap tour? I'm gmt+2 and can play any reasonable time!
    yeah thanks for the slight wait man, I'm free, so we can play then!
    I'm already online on main and smogtours so just chall me when you are ready
    oh smogtours? ok I've been chilling on main lol
    hey man we're pairings for r2 of ost,when you can play?I'm gmt +1, if you can i'm free monday at 10 pm my gmt
    oh damn sorry man didnt see this till now, if you're open now we can play, i'll be on for a little while maybe an hour or two from when i make this post
    dude u here?
    i'll be on for a little while longer, maybe half an hour from now, then i have to go afk for an hour or two, if you can make the time give me a shout otherwise we can try for sometime this week, im pretty free so it shouldn't be an issue if we have to
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