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  • Thanks for the response -- already managed to upload a Poke to pokecheck in order to get Secret ID. :)
    Happy Valentines Day, I give my pink little heart to u. I wish u and ur family the best. Olive Garden on me tonight!!!
    they can take my mods... but they'll never take... MY SITE STAFF BADGE
    well they somehow got restored... so thanks I guess!!!

    And yeah, after looking that up, it makes sense why you would have used that word. Cankerous describes him perfectly!!!!!
    Well I'm pretty monogamous by nature, so I think I'm gonna have to pass lol

    cankerous? does he mean cantankerous? oh well, he never could spell all that well :/
    I'm doing just fine. As for LN, isn't he dating Kittenmay...? That kind of makes things really awkward ... and I'm also kind if semi-taken anyway, so.... *awkward squirtle*

    Glad to hear Steve is alive and well though. I still wish him the best even though I'm not planning on ever being in contact with him again.
    We broke up months ago! Get with it, man! lol

    And I'd rather not go into the details out of respect for his privacy. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't told you anything though!
    Hi mingot, a little while ago I asked about updating the damage calculator on the main page, for convenience, seeing as it was only set up for DPP. The thread is here. I PMed DougJustDoug about it, but haven't heard from him yet, so I figured I would send you a message. Would it be possible to update the calculator, or alternatively, simply link Honko's calculator?
    Oh, and happy belated birthday!
    mingot plz i need to learn how to play again

    also happy belated birthday
    Hi. I'm MichaelXD's and Cycling Road's cousin. May I please stay? It is the truth.
    Oh, and, I was just wondering if you could please change my username to PoJ for me (or Podge... Idk, you can choose :p) and get rid of my user title?

    Also, I hope you had a fun birthday!
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