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  • I need to wait for my friend to get on. He checks for me and Pal Parks for me ^^
    Would you mind if I put it on my trade thread? You too of course can trade it ^^ <3
    Ill be able to check before I send it over=) I RNG bred it yes. I am in love with this Skitty <3 I hope you enjoy it ^^
    Ah well, I fixed it up and here is your new kitten ^^ (Ill check to see of it will be normalize or not when it evolves, if so you just want me to evolve it? It evolves with a moonstone, so it will still be level 5)

    Anyways here is the beautiful thing

    Nature: Jolly
    Ability: Cute Charm
    Egg Moves: None ='(
    Tutor Moves: Body Slam

    Yes unfortunately it doesn't depend on the clone it depends on the poke
    What's a split frame? :P Do you think if you cloned it and gave me like.. two or three would they all get the same nature if they evolve in my game?
    The only snag would be if it ended up on a split frame. That would indeed suck. Lets hope it doesnt xD
    Is impish ok? +def- Sp. Attack? If so Ill be done soon, though, I need someone to pal park for me as I breed on my computer ^^
    So Adamant with Body Slam and Double Edge? I WILL have to evolve it if you don't want to risk it having the normalize ability when it evolves in DPPt. So list of natures.

    Adamant/Impish/Careful? And no it takes me all of an hour ^_^
    Its like 4AM lol. And if you want, I can breed you a nice Skitty on Emerald ^^. Consider it a gift. Now what Nature/IVs will you be wanting?
    Wait what? When? No you haven't. I just forgot you VMed sorry. =( Super busy. I can get them
    why? and I'm sorry, I havn't cloned the pokemons....
    I've been doing important pending trades all morening.
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