Misaka Mikoto
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  • MWP, CST (-6), could we play sometime on Saturday or Sunday? I have a final on Friday that I'll be working on until then.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Sunday is best for me
    in the mono room rn, or just lmk on discord when you're ready. I won't be available 3:30p - 7:00p though
    Playing eachother in week 1 MWP, im gmt -8, can do get on Thursday/Friday from 9am-9pm. Anytime on weekends (preferably not inbetween 1am-7am my time). If you can set/give me a time within those wide parameters, Ill be there.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Thnx for being cooperative! I'm very rusty at scheduling haha
    No worries, I have the ability to be flexible this weekend, if you could give a time.. like 4pm PST/7pm EST today or something?
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Yep that's good, I shouldn't have anything to do during that time
    When to play bspl
    o.k sure I'll prob be on 2-7pm i can also do night (est). if you would like to just join in that period that would be cool. i do go off the computer tho in between. if you'd like you can pick a time out of that for Saturday(just in case something happens 2 one of us)
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Those times are also fine, I'll relatively be on all day Saturday and Sunday so whenever you're up for any of these two days.
    I was on a longg time 2day did you ever come on? Whats your accounts name? I dont think i was you on if its the same as here. Obviously we can play 2 marrow it jsut gets REALLY HARD. can we play at 6pm my time 2marrow? I could also do 7/7:30. Ig if you come on like right nowi can also play
    mono circuit thing, im -7. Would appreciate it if could play before thursday, lmk what time/s work for u.
    When u wanna play for dou ssnl? I'm available whenever since its summer for me.
    oh crap ig we both forgot about this u still down to play?
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    I just had no way to contact you since wifi been down during the weekend, though I would rather have an extension
    Bowman gave you the win it’s fine.
    Yo we paired for pspl , I'm GMT +5 and I'm free most of today and tomorrow , whens good bud? Btw I can't play on weekend and have a tight schedule during the next week so looking to get this done asap
    Dj Breloominati♬
    Dj Breloominati♬
    sorry for no response for a couple of days - I was really busy with uni and prolly will from now on - but I'm usually on between 3-5pm [gmt + 5] and can also play at a time between 5-8pm my time. Sorry for the tight schedule and ye I cant do weekends unless its really REALLY needed. Thanks.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    It's fine we can try anytime between Wednesday - Friday
    Dj Breloominati♬
    Dj Breloominati♬
    lets do Friday 5pm my time. looking forward to it :D
    hi, we play for w7 of MWP. i'm gmt -5 and can typically play 7am-11am any day. i could play now even, if you're around.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Highly likely I'm not going to be up at 6am playing, I wouldn't mind it being 9am for you 8am me
    9am for me works, see you then :o
    i'm around now if you happen to swing by early & wish to play early, though i'll be here at our scheduled time regardless.
    mono ssnls, timezone GMT 4+, when do u want to play?
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    I'll be free during the evening onwards for the weekdays. We could try for Wednesday and Thursday
    ya wednesday is possible depending on the time
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Any time around 5pm onwards
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