Misaka Mikoto
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  • When do you want to play for doubles kickoff tour? I'm GMT -7, weekdays after 3 PM or weekends tend to work best for me.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Weekends are fine, any moment of time
    Alright, if it works for you lets plan to play on Saturday, I'll be in the doubles room for a good chunk of the day under the username "Deep Fried Pigeon"
    keep grinding in mons, believe in yourself! you can win the next seasonal if you try hard enough >:D
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Never really confident enough in the teams that I used in dou smog tours, (especially the one g1 I had made yesterday morning before playing) but that gives me a boost to try harder thank you teacher!
    By the way, I was pretty busy and a bit lazy for the Bewear analyses. Will try to finish it this week
    We're playing for BSPL, there was an error in the lineups (I put ORAS in the middle, grouping singles, instead of at the end).
    I'm free in the evenings (GMT+1) and at the weekend.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Weekends fine with me
    I'll be around on ps from like 7pm my time 'til midnight, can happily do earlier too if it suits you. I didn't see you onine today, but I assume we'll catch each other at some point tomorrow.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    I'll be on during the afternoon so maybe around 1 or 2pm
    sup luci. can you play sometime your sunday. I would love to be able to do night time but may need to do morning but idk until i find out what work looks like.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Anytime during Saturday and Sunday is definitely good for us to play
    cant say
    cant say
    You will be kissed on the nearest possible friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the bwst day of your life. However if you dont post this in the next143 minutes you will die in 2days. Now you started reading this dont stop. This is scary but put this on at least 5 smogon profiles in 143 minutes.
    would you rather fight a giant mosquito to have never deal with mosquitos again or are you happy with your current relationship with mosquitos right now?
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    Fight it, smash it with a hammer, burn it, slice it to pieces, poison, throw chemicals, anything to kill it hate bugs
    Alright, this week we're actually PSPL opponents. I'm free Wednesday evening, but I'm out of town Monday and Tuesday and I've got work on Thursday. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday though I should be completely free. Does any of that match up with when you're free? I'm GMT -7 in case you need it.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    The weekend is good with me whenever then I'll be on
    So, do you wanna battle Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? I'm free all the time bar a couple hours on Saturday.
    Misaka Mikoto
    Misaka Mikoto
    I'm eligible to play after school is over in 6 hours onwards Saturday and Sunday as well so I'm on all day during the weekend too
    Hi there! I'm your PSPL opponent this week (I think, the thread is a bit confused right now, but this should be right). I'm free any day except Thursday, and Tuesday/Wednesday afternoons. When is good for you?
    It's actually me Okamu, you are against MegaZard I think :P
    Ah, whoops. The other group matchups were wrong and I applied the same logic to our group. Should've checked, ack! Never mind lol
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