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  • saturday i can only play early which wont suit you... can you make friday ~10:00 pm gmt+1?
    Can you play either Friday or Saturday? These are the two days that work best for me because I have a very busy schedule this week. If you can play friday afternoon then that's perfect for me. I'm GMT+1
    Lets do this saturday then, around 8~9 pm your time I guess? It can be later if you prefer, I'll stay the whole nighttime.
    Shoutouts to your avatar which has been on Smogon longer than like 95% of the population
    change of plans lol

    we need to play either early saturday (like, before 2) or sometime on sunday
    im free all day saturday so we'll play then. i'll just flood you with pms until you reply ok.

    ps. be there at ~4

    send me a pm on irc when you wanna fight coz when im on im actually at my pc whereas you are not always there
    Hi !
    We're paired for SPL and it looks like you didn't bother VMing me (Neither did I, I'm not blaming you)

    When can you play, son ? I'm GMT+1.
    yo mrE we need to battle in spl, my gmt is -2 and I'll go online the most time tomorrow, lets try do make this battle tomorrow. If no, saturday I can get online but sunday is too hard to get some free time. And already warning I want to battle in PO because of wrong calculation of reflect and pursuit bugs in nbs. I try to talk with you on IRC but you never responded.
    are you telling me you went to the indiana regional?

    fuck my life seriously if YOU of all people were someone that I missed now that indiana finally got a pokemon regional. ;_;
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